Scrap Wrap by Susan Oliver

Scrap Wrap

February 2014
Lace ?
Gauge not important
US 6 - 4.0 mm
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

Scrap Wrap was an idea I had while falling asleep one night. I’ve knitted some fabulous lace wraps, and there’s always leftover yarn which is too delicious to throw out. As you know, lace yarn doesn’t seem like much, but sure goes a long way. So I grabbed a leftover ball of Misti Alpaca paint, and starting in the centre, I knitted and added on bits till I used up all the yarn. Then I overdyed it in a mid purple. Which of course got me thinking about other ways to use up scrap yarn, but that’s another story best left alone for now.

This wrap used 50 gm lace weight yarn on 4mm needles and worked out to 122 cm long by 34 cm wide.
