Sea Glass Shawlette by Marly Bird

Sea Glass Shawlette

This pattern is available for $5.00 USD buy it now

With its astonishing color and heavenly soft yak yarns, you’ll love to make and wrap yourself in this shawlette. It is knit in garter stitch with yarn-over increases, which makes this shawl an excellent beginner project.

This shawl didn’t use the entire hanks of Tibetan Dream yarn. to make it bigger do not stop increases when instructed to do so in the pattern. If you keep going until you reach a size you want then begin the decreases you will use up more of the sock yarn.

ERRATA to magazine pattern…fixed in pattern:
After increases are worked Next Row is a RS row.

The edging should be as follows: Row 1 (RS): Sl 1, knit to marker, YO, k1, YO, knit to end—two sts increased.
Row 2 (WS): Sl 1, purl to end.

Changing to CB, Row 3 (RS): repeat row 1.
Row 4 (WS): Sl 1, knit to end.
Row 5 (RS): repeat row 1.

Changing to MC, Row 6 (RS): repeat row 1.
Row 7 (WS): repeat row 2.
Row 8 (RS): repeat row 1.

Changing colors from MC and CA as indicated repeat rows 3-8 once more.

Repeat rows 3 and 4 then bind off sts loosely.