Sequence Cowl #9 by Nancy Lekx

Sequence Cowl #9

September 2024
DK (11 wpi) ?
22 stitches = 4 inches
in sequence stitch pattern, blocked
US 4 - 3.5 mm
310 - 350 yards (283 - 320 m)
one size, customizable: 30" circumference x 10" wide
Flag of English English
This pattern is available for C$3.00 CAD buy it now

Special thanks to Close Knit Fibers for providing their DK yarn for the sample.

This design is the ninth of a series—twelve cowls in sequence knitting for 2024. This month, we’re working the {k5, (p1, k1) twice, p1} sequence flat, in a one-row method, then grafting the cast-on edge to the bound-off edge to create a moebius loop. If you want a simple tube, you don’t have to twist the piece before seaming, but I wanted to take full advantage of this reversible stitch pattern. Next month, we’ll switch to a different sequence, and work a cowl in a simple, spiral stitch pattern.

Traditional knitting instructions and a chart are included, along with the sequence knitting instructions.

The techniques you will need to know--or learn--to complete this project are:

  • provisional cast-on (tutorial link included in the pattern);
  • knit and purl;
  • grafting garter stitch (tutorial link included in the pattern).