Seven Animal Insertions by Ethel Herrick Stetson

Seven Animal Insertions

January 1912
Thread ?

This set of seven charming animal and insect insertions--a happy dog, busy bees, a butterfly, a mother duck and duckling swimming along, an owl, a pony, and a pair of playful cats--were designed by Ethel Herrick Stetson in 1912. Use them anywhere you would use a lace insertion: for towels, curtains, garments and table linens. They are all about the same width (except for the cats), so with some adjustment of the empty spaces you can make an insertion combining different animals.

This is not your usual scanned vintage crochet pattern. To make this pattern great for today’s crocheter I wrote complete instructions, expanded the written instructions so you won’t need to skip around, and made an easy to follow chart. I also changed the written instructions to use modern US crochet terms.

The only stitches you need to know to complete this lace are: chain stitch and double crochet.