Shawl English Garden by Svetlana Gordon

Shawl English Garden

May 2018
both are used in this pattern
Lace ?
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
wide - 85cm. / long - 200cm.
Flag of English English
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Shawl English garden

Do you remember the story of Peter Pan? Baby Peter flied from his house out of the window (it’s well-known that all children can fly) and began living in Kensington Gardens with fairies and elves. In the novel fairies built a little house for children lost in the Gardens at night.
Shawl “English garden” embodies freedom of a child, that each of us adults should keep safe in themselves. It matches creative and non-formal boho-style and jeans perfectly. At the same time it’s no stranger to English elegancy, and is going to be a magnificent color accent to your favourite dress.
WS - in the last photo.

A – Malabrigo Baby Silkpaca col: 853 - 150g (385м/50г)
B –Schoppel-Wolle Edition 6 col: 2296 –250g (300м/50г)

Size: wide - 85cm. / long - 200cm.
Needles: circular needles 2,5mm; DPN 2,5mm. (with sharp ends).

BO = bind off
CO = cast on
DPN = double pointed needle
k = knit
k2tog= knit two (2) stitches together
k3tog= knit three (3) stitches together
p = purl
sl1k = slip a stitch knit-wise
st(s) = stitch (es)
RN= right needle
LN= left needle
RS = right side
WS = wrong side
tbl = through back loop
wyib = with yarn in back.
w/o = without
w&t = wrap and turn
(1) = after BOsts - 1st remain on the RN, continue to work without counting this st.