Shop Hat by Meagan Roepcke

Shop Hat

January 2018
DK (11 wpi) ?
22 stitches and 30 rows = 4 inches
US 6 - 4.0 mm
200 - 300 yards (183 - 274 m)
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

My husband works in a shop and it can get pretty darn cold during the winter. Last year I made him a hat to wear for work and keep at the shop. This year, he asked if I could make the other guys in the shop hats also. I just used some wool I already had hanging around my sewing room and went for it. I made my husband try the first hat on many times during the construction!

A note on the yarn: I used Rowan Pure Wool DK, since that is what I had on hand but this wool has been discontinued. Rowan has replaced it with their Pure Wool Superwash DK. It is supposed to be very similar and I’ve found it’s cheaper at my LYS!

85 grams or 226 yards of DK yarn (I used Rowan Pure Wool DK, it has been discontinued)
16 inch Circular knitting needles, size US 6 / 4.00mm
4 stitch markers (3 in one color, 1 in a contrasting color to mark start of new row)
1 Yarn needle