Simple Ridge Chemo Cap by Kris Moore

Simple Ridge Chemo Cap

February 2023
DK (11 wpi) ?
3.75 mm (F)
180 - 200 yards (165 - 183 m)
children, xsmal/small, med/large, ex large
Flag of English English
This pattern is available for $4.50 USD buy it now

Welcome to Krissy’s Over The Mountain Crochet. I had Breast Cancer in 2021, and I decided then to create beautiful, soft and functional chemo caps for those going through the trials of Chemo.

  1. Easy to ready Crochet Pattern
  2. 4 sizes included (childrens thru XLarge)
  3. Easy to find Lion Brand Coboo Yarn
  4. Uses Worsted Weight Yarn
  5. Easy to crochet Ridge. No need to use the third loop.
  6. Video support on how to create that ridge.

I hope you never need a chemo cap, but if you do, you will find this hat easy to crochet. That ridge is so simple! No need to execute a difficult stitch, no need to dip down into that third loop.

This beanie uses a lovely yarn. The pattern is written to fit someone who has lost their hair. If you would like to use this pattern to make a hat for someone who has a full head of hair, I recommend going up one hook size.

I have created several chemo caps and hats since 2021. Here is a link for you to click on, so that you can view them.

This pattern is protected by copyright© Krissys Over The Mountain Crochet 2023. Do not sell, alter or redistribute this pattern in any way or form. You have my permission to sell your finished product, but you are responsible for the finished product. No Mass Production.