Sleeveless Dress and Jacket by Mary Harding

Sleeveless Dress and Jacket

Light Fingering ?
7 stitches and 9 rows = 1 inch
in stockinette stitch
US 2 - 2.75 mm
US 4 - 3.5 mm
34,36,38 inch bust

Dress uses 15;16;17 balls of 1 oz fingering 3-ply.
Jacket uses 13;14;15 balls of 1 oz fingering 3-ply.
Notions needed: one zipper 5 inches long for dress.
Picot edging. Motif of three diamonds inside each other on chest area of dress and pocket of jacket.
Dress length 35;36;37 inches.
Jacket length 25.5;26;26.5 inches.
Sleeve length 16 inches.
Text at beginning of pattern: “This outfit has the simple elegance of uncluttered lines in a smooth stockinette stitch.”
Pattern and photos pages 1628-1629 of book series.