Slime Rancher - Phosphor Slime by Lyzzi Brooks

Slime Rancher - Phosphor Slime

August 2021
Aran (8 wpi) ?
3.75 mm (F)
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

If you’re like me, you’ve fallen completely in love with Slime Rancher. I needed to have some of these little guys sitting around my house, so I wrote up the pattern. If you make any of the slimes from my pattern, please tag me - I’d love to see! @lyzzigurumi on Instagram.

This pattern is for the Phosphor Slime, and includes the pattern for the Pink slime, which is the base. This pattern creates a slime that is 2” tall and 2” at it’s widest.


  • 3.75mm (F) Crochet Hook
  • Tapestry Needle
  • Safety eyes of various sizes
  • Stitch marker
  • Fibre fill stuffing
  • Worsted weight yarn

I do not own the likeness of the slime characters, which are property of Monomi Park; this pattern is not affiliated with them in any way, shape, or form. You may sell work created from this pattern, but you cannot sell the actual pattern. Pattern, images, and artwork are copyright to Lyzzi Brooks, 2021.