Slippers for 32" BJD Doll by Vicki Monthei

Slippers for 32" BJD Doll

July 2022
Light Fingering ?
7 stitches and 10 rows = 1 inch
in stockinette stitch
US 3 - 3.25 mm
50 - 60 yards (46 - 55 m)
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

This pattern is a modified version of a free Ravelry pattern “Non-felted Slippers” by Yuko Nakamura. The pattern uses short rows and 4 types of decreases: k2 tog., k3 tog., sl1, k1, PSSO, and sl1, k2tog, PSSO.

The modified pattern for a 32” tall doll, specifically Dollmore’s Lusion BJD (ball jointed doll), includes a wider sole and a bigger slipper opening to accommodate the doll’s high instep. The doll’s foot is about 4.5 inches long and 2 inches at the widest.

A portion of 2 skeins are needed for the 2 colors.