Smart Coat Blouse by Evette

Smart Coat Blouse

by Evette
December 1935
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
15 stitches = 2 inches
US 2½ - 3.0 mm
The blouse should fit a 36in. bust size figure.
This pattern is available for free.

This useful cardigan is made with knitting cotton, which makes it ideal for present wear. It will also be of ideal weight for summer evenings, when one often requires a little wrap.

The basket stitch design is very attractive, and the band of ribbing round the lower edge is worked round the waist instead of in the usual way, a plain purl ribbing. The scarf collar is worked in blue and white, and knitted in a pretty open pattern, thus forming a very dainty finish to the cardigan.

The Materials Required.
5 balls stranded cotton in blue, 1 ball in white, 1 pair No. 11 knitting needles, 9 buttons.