Smart Self-Stripe Jumper by Evette

Smart Self-Stripe Jumper

by Evette
August 1935
Light Fingering ?
7 stitches = 1 inch
US 3 - 3.25 mm
US 6 - 4.0 mm
36in. bust
This pattern is available for free.

This dainty little jumper is admirable for wear with the spring suit, and you will appreciate the new high neck-line which it is featuring. The intriguing stripes of the pattern make it fascinating to knit. The clever design of the yoke is worked when the jumper is finished, giving that delightful “drawn-up” effect which everyone is endeavoring to secure.

Nine ounces rose pink (or desired color), 3-ply wool.
Two No. 8 needles.
Four No. 10 needles, pointed both ends.

Length: From shoulder, 20in.
Length from under arm, 18½in.
Bust, 36in.