Stars and Stripes cocoon by Morgan Palomo

Stars and Stripes cocoon

Morgan Palomo's Ravelry Store
no longer available from 1 source show
August 2018
all 3 are used in this pattern
Aran (8 wpi) ?
15 stitches and 8 rows = 4 inches
in Double crochet back loop only
6.0 mm (J)
500 - 1000 yards (457 - 914 m)
One size - baby
This pattern is available for $3.00 USD buy it now

This is a simple double crochet back loop only pattern me to create the stripes that is then seamed up the side and cinched closes at the bottom. Add a few rows of half double crochet in blue around the top and then finish off by adding the stars of your choice.
The pattern is written so that the first row of each stripe is worked facing the “wrong side” (WS) and the second row of each stripe is worked facing the “right side” (RS). To create the best seam when stitching the cocoon closed, make sure to be facing the wrong side so that the right side is on the inside of the cocoon.
When changing colors, you can choose to cut and rejoin each time, or you can just carry over the tail to the next stripe of that color. The end on which you will change colors each time is the bottom which gets cinched shut anyway so it doesn’t have to be beautiful ;) I chose to carry my ends over, and I didn’t fuss too much about the tension being nice because I knew it would get covered up in the end. In fact, if carrying over your tails, you should err on the side of pulling too tight when starting the new row.
I chose an off white (tan actually) and a muted blue to give my cocoon a more rustic country look but you can use any red white and blue of your choice. I used three different brands of yarn because I liked the colors and that is what I had on hand but any 4 weight Yarn will work. The gauge isn’t super critical for this pattern. It is meant to be a newborn cocoon, but my daughter (Adeline Jane – isn’t she endearing?) Is two months in the pictures shown. Between the loose stretchy stitches and the simple nature of a cocoon in general, the design is pretty forgiving on size.

SPECIAL NOTE You should only add buttons
if you ONLY plan to use this as a photography prop.
It is not safe to leave a baby unattended in a cocoon
with buttons that can be swallowed; especially star
buttons that have sharp points. If you would like to
have/gift a cocoon that a baby can actually sleep in
please leave the stars off or crochet stars to stitch to the front.