Steelers Inspired Afghan by Julia Lengyell

Steelers Inspired Afghan

February 2015
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
5.5 mm (I)
2000 - 2160 yards (1829 - 1975 m)
one size
This pattern is available for $3.50 USD buy it now

My son is a HUGE Steelers Football Fan. He even has blankets but… he pointed out to me he didn’t have a Steelers Afghan. I searched online but he didn’t like any of the ones I could find (which were very few) So I designed this one. It has been a long time coming as I started, frogged, started again. Finally he approved this design.

I hope you enjoy not just the finished project but the process as well.

I didn’t quite use up all 3 skeins of the yellow or the black yarn.

Also I lined this afghan with some polar fleece but that is optional.