Steering Wheel Cover by Angela Harriman

Steering Wheel Cover

February 2016
Bulky (7 wpi) ?
5.5 mm (I)
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

That cold plastic steering wheel in winter and blazing hot in summer is no longer a problem.
This pattern is worked in a simple rectangle much like an ordinary scarf. I used Bulky yarn and a 5.5mm hook but you can use anything you have on hand. You may have to adjust the pattern to fit your steering wheel.

I would make a few of these and keep some spares on hand though. They will wear out rather quickly.
This pattern is worked in a simple rectangle much like an ordinary scarf. I used bulky yarn and a 5.5mm hook. Measure the circumference of your steering wheel. All I did was work on the length until it fit around the wheel and then sew it together. If you find your steering wheel is wider or you are working with a thinner yarn then you can add or
subtract from the beginning chain as needed so long as you begin with an even number
of stitches.

Happy Hooking.