Striped Mini Basket by Stouto Creative Crochet

Striped Mini Basket

DK (11 wpi) ?
4.0 mm (G)
87 - 109 yards (80 - 100 m)
13 x 19cm
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

The striped mini basket crochet pattern in a quick and easy crochet pattern can be completed in just a few hours and will make an adorable addition to any home.

With just some yarn, a few basic crochet stitches, and a little bit of creativity, you can make your own mini crochet basket that will be sure to turn heads.

With this project, you can create something special that will bring joy and excitement to the holiday season.

Completing each basket involves two sections, making the basket and then the handle.

The written instructions start with the basket and follow with the handle instructions, the basket is completed by joining the handle to the basket rim using a yarn needle and leftover