Swirl Sweater Chunky by TwinKnits

Swirl Sweater Chunky

September 2022
yarn held together
+ Lace
= Worsted (9 wpi) ?
18 stitches and 28 rows = 4 inches
US 7 - 4.5 mm
US 4 - 3.5 mm
1148 - 1837 yards (1050 - 1680 m)
XS (S) M (L) XL (2XL) 3XL
Danish English Norwegian
This pattern is available from twinknits.dk for kr.50.00.

The sweater comes in seven different sizes: XS (S) M (L) XL (2XL) 3XL. The circumference of the sweater at the bust for each size is: 95 (105) 110 (115) 130 (140) cm. This measurement should include a positive ease of around 15 cm, when comparing to your bust measurement. The length of the sweater for each size is: 55 (57) 58 (62) 65 (67) 68 cm incl. rib edges, which can be altered underway since it’s knitted top down.

The sweater is worked top down. First the back is worked and then the shoulders, which are shaped with short rows and increases to form the neckline. The shoulder pieces are joined to create the front of the sweater. When the correct length of the front- and back parts are reached, they are joined to form the body of the sweater, which is worked in the round.
When the body is completed, stitches are picked up at the armholes to create the sleeves, which are worked in moss stitch and has decreases throughout.
Finally, stitches are picked up at the neckline and worked in twisted rib.

The gauge should be 18 sts x 28 rows = 10 x 10 cm in moss stitch and one diamond should measure 3,5 cm in width and 5 cm in height when working according to the diagram in the pattern.

4,5 mm circular needles with 80 and 40 cm wire. 3,5 mm circular needles with 80 and 40 cm wire.

Yarn recommendation:
Mayflower Easy Care Classic (50 g = 106 m) held together with Mayflower Super Kid Silk (25 g = 195 m). The sweater shown, is made in Easy Care Classic color 244 Dessert sand and Super Kid Silk color 98 nougat.

500 (550) 600 (600) 650 (700-750) 800 g Mayflower Easy Care Classic.
25-150 (125-150) 150 (150-175) 175 (200) 200 g Mayflower Super Kid Silk.

Yarn alternatives:
1 strand Mayflower Easy Care Classic Tweed (50 g = 106 m) + 1 strand Mayflower Super Kid Silk (25 g = 195 m)
1 strand Drops Lima (50 g = 100 m) + 1 strand Drops Kid Silk (25 g = 210 m)
1 strand Sandness Double Sunday (50 g = 108 m) + 1 strand Sandness Tynn Silk Mohair (25 g = 212 m)

Other materials:
Scrap yarn, tapestry needle for Italian cast-off, stitch markers.