Table Center Frost by Mayumi Sato

Table Center Frost

Pattern 21 in Magic Crochet.
Pattern 9 in Die Masche.

100 grams medium thick crochet wool for crochet hook #2 {B}.

Stitches include chain stitches, single crochet, slip stitches, treble crochet, double treble crochet, triple treble crochet, quadruple treble crochet stitches and picots with a total of 39 rows.

p.44 #21 樹氷 in Golden Lace Pineapple Edition (ゴールデンレース編 パイナップル編)
48cm diameter
designed by Mayumi Sato
Olympus Emmy Grande 100g
hook; JP2/0(2.0mm)