Tea Cosy and Matching Egg Cosies by Evette

Tea Cosy and Matching Egg Cosies

by Evette
June 1936
Sport (12 wpi) ?
24 stitches = 4 inches
US 5 - 3.75 mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
250 - 275 yards (229 - 251 m)
For a 6-cup teapot
This pattern is available for free.

This cold weather creates a demand for hotter tea, but—unless the teapot has a protecting cosy, the “second cup” will be unhappily tepid. So, we make a tea cosy. Then, to prevent the breakfast egg from losing ¡ts heat there is a charming little cosy, which matches big brother on the teapot.

Half a dozen egg cosies will be needed to go with the tea cosy and make a set. You will require 1 pair No. 9 [US5, 3.75mm] needles, 1 pair No. 6 [US8, 5.00mm] needles, 2 skeins grey sports wool, 1 skein blue sports wool, and a small quantity of red wool.