The Kelby Hat Ornament by Simplie Bound - Stephanie Anderson

The Kelby Hat Ornament

November 2021
yarn held together
+ Sport
= Any gauge - designed for any gauge ?
10 stitches and 14 rows = 2 inches
in Stockinette in the Round
US 5 - 3.75 mm
42 - 55 yards (38 - 50 m)
One Size
This pattern is available for $5.00 USD buy it now

Dress up your tree, top a present or hang some tiny hats from your mantle this Christmas! This is the perfect weekend project to add a little something fun to your holiday decor, or as a gift for a friend.

Pattern includes written instructions for the hat along with written and photo tutorials to string an ornament or constructing a garland. There are also bonus instructions for an even smaller, solid color version of the hat.

This pattern is suited for Advanced Beginners.

Skills Needed:
Knitting in the round on DPNs or circular needles using the magic loop method
Familiar with basic increase and decrease stitches
Color changes

*** This pattern is subject to copyright. The pattern and photographs of this design are property of Simplie Bound and are for personal use only. You may not distribute or sell this pattern without consent. You may sell items made from this pattern. Please credit pattern to Simplie Bound.