Thistle Flower Chart by Sandi Marshall

Thistle Flower Chart

no longer available from 1 source show
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

Based on a design in Filet Crochet & Cross Stitch, Book 7, created by Hugo Kirchmaier, published in 1920.

Recharted and altered from the original by Sandi Marshall.

Approximate finished sizes in filet crochet
(once through the chart, worked in 4 dc mesh):

With size 10 thread (170 yards) and a size 7 steel hook, finished size is about 7.1 inches x 12 inches.

With size 20 thread (159 yards) and a size 9 steel hook, finished size is about 6.8 inches x 11.5 inches.

With size 30 thread (149 yards) and a size 11 steel hook, finished size is about 6.5 inches x 11 inches.

With fingering/baby weight yarn (372 yards) and a size F hook, finished size is about 21.7 inches x 34.6 inches.

With sport weight yarn (432 yards) and a size G hook, finished size is about 24.8 inches x 39.4 inches.

With worsted weight yarn (491 yards) and a size I hook, finished size is about 27.9 inches x 44.2 inches.