Toilet Paper - Virus by Nisse Handcrafts

Toilet Paper - Virus

March 2020
DK (11 wpi) ?
3.0 mm
This pattern is available for AU$3.00 AUD buy it now

No need to worry about running out! He’s cute, he’s soft, and he’s all yours!!!

This digital download pattern contains a set of full colour easy to follow patterns that will allow you to make your very own pocket sized Roll of Toilet Paper.

I have now set up a Patreon page to serve as a subscription service for my patterns. Levels of subscription range from 1USD to 20USD per month, so if you have fun with this pattern, please check out for more options!

Difficulty level: Beginner/Intermediate

Size: approx 3 inches tall

Language: English

Materials: 3mm (D) crochet hook
Worsted yarn (colours listed in pattern)
Tapestry needle
Polyester stuffing
14mm safety eyes

© 2019-2021 Nisse Handcrafts - All rights reserved.
This pattern is for personal use only, you may not use the pattern or the finished products for financial gain, this includes but not limited to online sales, store or market stock.
The pattern as a whole or any part (including photos) may be not reproduced, redistributed, resold, translated, published (online or printed), altered, shared or posted (for sale or free) over the Internet or any other media source.

This is a creation of my own design, any similarity to other characters is coincidental.