Twisting in the Wind by Jackie Lewis

Twisting in the Wind

no longer available from 1 source show
October 2015
Any gauge - designed for any gauge ?
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

I wrote this pattern specifically for displaying use of KnittyJax stitch markers in my booth at a local craft fair. I’m completely in love with this yarn - Auracania Huasco DK, which I picked up in the Outer Banks early this month at the Blue Pelican Gallery.

The concept of reversible cables is not mine, obviously. But I designed this scarf recipe to include unique features such as staggered and reverse cable crosses and the option to make a cowl with half twist and three needle bind off. I found the stitch markers to be especially helpful, as the pattern was deceptively both easy to remember, and easy to mess up if you miss the distinction between the garter border/background and the ribbed cable sections. The removable marker made counting rows super easy.
Use any yarn and needle - sample uses DK and a US size 8 needle.