ValentineMittens by Niina Salmenautio


January 2022
Light Fingering ?
32 stitches and 36 rows = 4 inches
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
350 - 383 yards (320 - 350 m)
This pattern is available for €4.50 EUR buy it now

M (L)
Size depends on gauge. Gauge used to make these instructions is 10x10cm = 32 sts, 36rows. If your gauge differs remarkably, consider using instructions of a different size.
Circumference of hand is approximately 19(22) cm and length of the hand is approximately 18(20) cm.

Ficolina Arwetta Classic:
MC 50g 977 marzipan (beige)
CC 30g 810 chrysanthemum (red)
Or other yarn the same thickness (210 m/ 50 g).

2,5mm – 3,0mm or size required to get gauge right.

You also need:
Blunt sewing needle
Stitch markers

Other notes:
The mittens are worked from the wrist to fingertips, the beginning of the round is opposite side of thumb.
The instructions are made for knitting with 4 double pointed needles.
Mittens have different palm and back of palm.
Wrist is quite loose, but mittens stay on their place because of the braid on wrist.
There are instructions with text and pictures to make the picot edge and Indian thumb.

Hope You enjoy knitting my design!
When I started designing ValentineMittens, I found
inspiration, once again, from beautiful Slavic patterns.
The backhand side pattern I found from old tablecloth,
it needed only little alternation. Then the idea of
ValentineMittens started to come to me.

I wanted to find out, how many hearts I could fit to one
mitten without making them tacky. 39 at least
apparently, I say!

Even though there are a lot of love, romance, and hearts
in the pair of these, they are tasteful and classy to wear
all around the year, not only on valentine’s day, which
is the theme for these.

I wish you hearty and happy knitting moments!
