Vintage Buttons by Nancy Nehring

Vintage Buttons

September 2001
Perle / Pearl cotton No. 12
Thread ?
Round 1 is 5/8 inches across
0.7 mm
35 - 50 yards (32 - 46 m)
Out of print. This pattern was available for free.

This is a pattern for 3 different buttons: Medallion, Heptagonal Circles and Bullion Spiral
A small doily-like circle is crocheted and used to cover a button mold (found with sewing notions).
Rather than use the shank to sew the button, the shank is removed from the button mold and replaced with a pin back.

Materials needed:

  • Thin rolled or stamped brass rings.
  • PETE Ring. Pattern says available at plumbing supply shops for faucet gaskets. If a PETE ring can’t be found, pattern gives instructions for making one from plastic.
  • Button molds varying depending on selected button pattern.
  • Glue gun
  • Pin back

This requires a size 12 thread hook.

Basic stitches: Ch, sl st, sc.
Special Stitch: Bullion