Waffle Stitch Baby Blanket by Amanda Farinella

Waffle Stitch Baby Blanket

May 2017
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
not important
5.5 mm (I)
383 - 1532 yards (350 - 1401 m)
This pattern is available from etsy.com for $4.00.

This crochet baby blanket features a rainbow stripe pattern using a waffle stitch design. The pattern includes instructions to make a 35” x 37” baby blanket.

This is a beginner pattern, but does require the knowledge of basic crochet stitches: chain stitch, single crochet, double crochet, front post double crochet, and slip stitch.

Materials needed:
• I-9 Crochet Hook
• Worsted Weight Yarn in any color (approx. 1,532 yards)
• Scissors
• Tapestry needle