Windspinner by LisaAuch


Aran (8 wpi) ?
4.0 mm (G)
100 - 150 yards (91 - 137 m)
Flag of English English
Free Pattern also available for free: info in notes
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Crochet windspinner FREE pattern This is an adaptive BASIC Written pattern for the Crochet Windspinner
You can choose any colour combo you wish

I have used yellow and black yarn to create a BEE thememd garden windspinner and added in my little crochet bee and made a Bee Windpinner

Please note : Since I made the first few I have added some changes

  1. I have Flipped the Spinner upside down (This makes Zero change to the spin-ability just changes the color pattern)

  2. Placed the Croche there at the TOP of the Spinner

  3. Added several strands as a tassel to the bottom

4: Only Used 1 piece of Yarn attached to the TOP to use to hang it (definitely makes it spin better)


IF the wind spinner is waving side to side it is TOO windy! for the spinner!

That is why I originally put the Bee at the bottom to add some weight as living here in the Highlands of Scotland It IS windy!