Winter Sun Baby Blanket by Kiersten Figurski

Winter Sun Baby Blanket

March 2023
DK (11 wpi) ?
4.5 mm
800 - 1000 yards (732 - 914 m)
This pattern is available for $5.25 USD buy it now

(It is now possible to order the yarn for this blanket here: )

This is an instructional PDF written in both plain English, (not complicated crochet terms) AND the abbreviated crochet language The PDF download includes clear instructions to make the following:

a. Winter Sun Baby Blanket - all colors and yarn listed
b. a magic yarn ball
c. magic knot for the magic yarn ball

Approx. 2 feet by 2 feet.

This is perfect for someone who knows how to (US terms) single crochet.

I have attempted to make the pattern and instructions as simple and organized as possible. I have had some absolutely amazing testers who have walked me through some changes to make it even more simple.

Materials Needed:

Yarn (as you can see - many, different colors!) - You can buy the yarn pack on Wool Warehouse UK - Search QuartermoonCrochet
Crochet hook
Tapestry Needle

I always seem to have a blanket on my hook, the more colorful the better! This one was made in the deepest part of winter here in New Mexico’s mountains. We get snow, wind, ice, but most of all we get sun! It is a deeply warming sun, one that lifts the spirits and feels deeply nurturing.

To see examples please visit my Instagram account: @quartermooncrochet or QuartermoonCrochet on Facebook