This is a portion of a Shetland fleece I bought at Lambtown 2023.
It started out as about 9+ ounces that I put into a suint bath to wash. It came out as 8.2 ounces of cleaner, but still greasy, fiber. I split this into two 4.1 ounce batches.
Batch 1 is being carded and spun and then will be washed as yarn.
Batch 2 is being washed once more to remove the lanolin and any remaining dirt. I used only one bath with Dawn and two rinses. I think I could have gotten by with one rinse only. All with the hottest water that comes out of our laundry room water heater. Too hot for my hands.
I want to compare the two experiences and finished products.
Can’t tell the difference between the skeins. I’ll use the suint bath method again but will was the fleece if it still feels sticky or greasy afterward.
I like the idea of saving on the washing, but the spinning was more pleasant with the fleece that was in the suint bath and then had a minimal washing.