Dozens of Little Squares
In progress
October 22, 2023
work in progress

Dozens of Little Squares

Project info
Tools and equipment

Using scrap fingering and maybe some sport yarn to make pin loom woven squares. They are woven on the bias. Maybe I will make them into a blanket. Maybe that is way to ambitious! joy Right now I’m making squares and will figure that part out later.

My loom is from Hazel Rose Looms. I have a heart shaped one and a square one.


I’m up to 39 squares after a fun and productive a trailer rally trip. These make a great take along project.


40 squares were washed last week after the trailer rally. Now today I washed 43 more squares--about half made while at a conference or on route. (Long drive both ways!)

Total of 83 squares so far.


Another 30 squares in the last couple weeks. It looks like the Weird Sisters Wool Emporium mini skeins are getting me about 11 or 12 squares each. I’ve finished the light purple and I’m getting close to finishing the dark purple.


In addition to the 83 squares that are washed, I now have 67 more squares in the jar where the unwashed squares are being stored.
Total as of today: 150 squares


211 squares all washed and ready to sew together!
I actually used up all the sock weight leftovers and the minis. (Some I bought from Weird Sisters and some that Marsha sent me.)
So now it’s time to start to sew them together into strips. I’ll add more squares as I finish other projects and have leftovers. But I’d like to get these sewn together.


Finished all the new squares and sewed all the strips. Ended up with 20 strips of 14 squares on 2/12/2024. Started sewing the strips together this morning. Sewing using the tails and then at the same time I’m weaving in the unused ends. I got the new yarn scraps in a special delivery to work. Thanks, Alene!


I now have seven strips (out of of 20) sewn together. Thirteen to go. I think I’m going to need to have a weekly goal so I can get this done. Row 8 is currently clipped on. 182 squares left to sew on. If I sew on one row per week that will take me into the fall semester. I was hoping to get it done this summer.

viewed 285 times
In progress
October 22, 2023
work in progress
  • Project created: October 23, 2023
  • In progress: October 23, 2023
  • Updated: June 17, 2024