This will be a small blanket for the bedroom. I had all the handspun yarns in autumnal colors except the Polwarth silk skein that I dyed. I had dyed the targhee as wool and then spun it in a 3-ply. The others were dyed by the wool supplier. The two variegated skeins are from Wool Gatherings.
I have about 1200 yards of yarn.
I wound the warp today. Made a little mistake in that I was counting only half the the threads. But luckily I realized it before I wound too much extra!
I had a little bit of rhyme and reason to my thread choices but overall it’s going to be more blended than striped.
6 epi, and roughly 3’ by 5’. Warp and weft will be the same yarns. Unless I run out of weft yarn. In which case I will have to improvise! My calculations tell me that I’ll have enough, but yarn chicken is always a worry!
The warp is now threaded onto the loom and ready to start. I made a rookie mistake and was counting warp threads at the turn of the warping board rather than the cross and forgot that meant I had double the number I counted. I realized it and stopped winding warp, but had wound about a third more than I needed. I’ve set that yarn aside to use for weft if the other yarn set aside for weft runs out (I think I won’t need it, but want to be safe).
After my last project at 22 epi and 7 yards, this 6 epi project with a 2.5 yard warp went on like a breeze!.
Size after wet finishing 28” x 49.“ Width on loom 36” and length on loom 60”
Remember how much shrinkage you have on a wool item and plan for the FO to be significantly smaller. The size balance on this is nice, but it is smaller than planned. You’d think I’d remember how wool shrinks!