Wound the warp back to front for the first time. I used the 6 ft raddle that came with the Macomber with the 24” Ashford table loom. It was a little problematic. I didn’t realize that there needs to be uninterrupted “flow” across the raddle in both directions. I had the raddle situated nicely for separating the yarns, but when I went to the front of the loom, I realized that the shape of the castle on this loom was in the way of the threads. I finally got the raddle tied in a location that worked better, but this was not the ideal way to use a raddle with this loom. Perhaps some looms aren’t designed to be easily used with one? In any case, the winding was definitely easier to do alone. Now to thread heddles and then reed. I’m a little worried that 24 epi is too loose a sett, but will wait until I’ve sampled to determine that.
Had some tangles in the warp after the first four towels. I cut the first four off for Christmas presents and then I had to coax all the warp through heddles and reed to the front of the loom and then rewind it back onto the back beam. It wasn’t too bad of a process, but I learned that I have to be a little more careful about twisting the warp while winded multiple strands in one hand.
Today I wove the last of the remaining warp. I had one full sized dishtowel and one that was a little short. While cutting them off the loom I lost concentration and ended up slicing about two inches into the larger towel. Ooops! I’m a little distracted with thoughts of the new dog that will be coming to live with us soon. Oh well, now the towels are both a little short.