April 18, 2017
December 10, 2017


Project info
Tulip by Deena Thomson-Menard
Needles & yarn
US 2½ - 3.0 mm

Going to do this wonderful doll by Deena for a Doll Kal in“ The Unofficial Woman’s weekly Group” Using all stash acrylic 8 ply yarn.


Made a start. Finished the increase rounds.


Head knitted to round 36, then bendy roller inserted halfway in to neck hole of head. Stitched in place. Stuffed around the roller and continued knitting until cut yarn and thread through. More stuffing added and pulled hole closed for top of head.

23-04-2017-Torso knitted, stuffed and head sewn on.

Stuff torso 3/4 full then make a hollow down the middle, insert the other half of bendy roller attached to head and finish stuffing. Continue stuffing as usual as you sew the head to the torso.


This is what I did…Using multi coloured yarn for arms, knit 50 rounds then next round (knit 2,kfb.knit 2) to end of round. (18 stitches) cast off in purl.
Making fingered hands.

26-04-2017-Hands and sleeve frills.

Made alternate hands from Deenas’ tutes. Added 5 knitted rounds to bottom of hands as they were too short when made separately from the arms. Knitted the sleeve frills as follows.

Sleeve Frills.

. Cast on 4 stitches.

  1. knit 2tog, knit 1, turn work.
  2. knit 1, kfb in next stitch.(4 sts.)
  3. knit.
  4. knit. Repeat these 4 rows until desired length to fit around wrist. Stitched on and arms sewn onto neck edge.

28-04-2017- Feet and legs

Starting with some Ideas to change the I-Cord at the beginning to a tulip on a stem.

09-05-2017-Legs and Face

After much trial and error I have forgone the “Tulip Toes” and have done away with the I-Cord all together. Legs knitted in the round, stuffed and sewn on. Face embroidered, nose knitted and sewn on.


Dress almost completed. Armholes and neckline to do. All the ends from colour changes to darn in. Changed the hem to a picot hem by a round of (Y.O. K2tog)to end. Then knit a further 5 rounds which folds under and forms the “Picot” edge.

02-06-2017- Bloomers

Knitting these in yellow. I’ll thread hat elastic through the waistband for a snug fit.

Knitting part finished.

04-06-2017 Tulip is Complete

Made Tulips hair and sewed on her hat. I love how she turned out.

08-12-2017- Redo hair.

I have decided to redo Tulips hair to make her more “child friendly”. I’m using Jean Greenhowe’s pattern for Emilys’ hair from her Traditional Favourites booklet. I loved how “Poppet” turned out and have wanted to redo Tulip since then.

11-12-2017- Hair make-over and pom-poms

All finished. I am happier with this hair for a childs’ toy. Also added knitted pom-poms to hat to complete her new look relaxed

viewed 241 times
April 18, 2017
December 10, 2017
About this pattern
23 projects, in 59 queues
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  • Project created: April 18, 2017
  • Finished: June 4, 2017
  • Updated: August 28, 2018
  • Progress updates: 3 updates