Merlot Hoodie
July 25, 2010
August 21, 2010

Merlot Hoodie

Project info
Salem Hooded Jacket by Melissa LaBarre
Needles & yarn
US 9 - 5.5 mm
Knit Picks Swish Bulky
274 yards in stash
8 skeins = 1096.0 yards (1002.2 meters), 800 grams
knit picks

8/21 Okay now officially done. Found some cute buttons at my fave LYS Twisted & just sewed the last one on. I love this sweater. I’ll hopefully get photos tomorrow since it’s suppose to be cool out.

8/18 Blocking! ended up adding about 3 inches to the hood & I like it much better.

Now I need to find buttons - seriously I can’t believe that I finished this in less than a month - I mean I know it’s “bulky” (really more an aran to me) on size 9s but seriously, fastest sweater I’ve ever done.

Photos I might wait until I’m in Seattle to take, which was my intent. but we’ll see how the weather is this weekend.

8/16 was done with the knitting, just need to sew the pockets. but I think the hood is too small so I’m going to undo the bindoff and add a couple inches. This is still the quickest I’ve done a full sweater.

Not sure if I really need a icord bindoff after all, the slipped stitches make a nice edge all ready.

8/15 Finished hood. Probably the most boring part. I can’t believe I worked on it during our heatwave. I even tried the sweater on - I love it. I think it’ll be a favorite, though I probably should have made the hood bigger, we’ll see after blocking.

Now just the pockets and sewing the underarms should finish this week

8/13 completed the yoke (minus the eyelet row) and on to the hood. Looks like I’ll have plenty of yarn left - I have 2 full skeins left, & 3/4 of 2 others. Hooray!

I love this sweater so far - although it suddenly got really hot here, so I probably won’t be working on it as much the next couple of days.

8/10 A day home sick resulted in attaching the sleeves to the body of my sweater. It looks like a real sweater now! Now on to the yoke - I’m planning on leaving off the eyelets. Not my style, as cute as it is.

8/8 11 inches into the body, going pretty quickly. In addition to adding button holes, I’m also slipping the first stitch of every row. I might do a an icord bindoff since I like the way it looks on my CPH. We’ll see if I have enough yarn though

8/7 finished the beginning of the body, and on to the pocked. I’m doing them like Rooibos -which is what this yarn started out as in the first place. I’m also adding buttons every 3 inches.

8/5 Finally finished the sleeves.

I think I’m going to add buttons to the length of the cardigan - I like the look of the original but I think I’d wear it more with buttons all down rather just the top.

8/1 I’m about 14 inches into the sleeves, I find it odd that the sleeves for all sizes is 18 inches. I do plan on going to at least 20 for my monkey arms.

Also, the circumference for the sleeves at the cuff is much bigger than what appears in the photo. I don’t mind (and I’m certainly not going to rip back) but I think if I knew that, I probably would have done the cuffs with a smaller needle size and probably cast on fewer stitches. At first I thought my gauge was off, but nope, the schematic shows it as 14.75” - same as the top of the sleeve.

7/25 swatching with Swish Bulky, I think it will work out.

And it did! I’m starting the sleeves, doing both at once by Magic Loop. It’s nice to have a pattern that instructs you to start with the sleeves - no more sleeve land at the end of the project!

viewed 1055 times | helped 16 people
July 25, 2010
August 21, 2010
About this pattern
117 projects, in 315 queues
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About this yarn
by Knit Picks
100% Merino
137 yards / 100 grams

6266 projects

stashed 3232 times

BabblingStacey's star rating
  • Project created: July 26, 2010
  • Updated: August 22, 2010
  • Progress updates: 6 updates