Stashbuster Spirals Meet Sweet Tomatoes
October 2011
October 2011

Stashbuster Spirals Meet Sweet Tomatoes

Project info
Stashbuster Spirals by Janine Hempy
Feet / LegsSocksMid-calf
Needles & yarn

These are my 3rd pair of Stashbuster Spirals: I have been on a serious kick with this pattern, using up odd balls of yarn. Leftovers from my very first pair of socks are in this pair!

The heels: the first pair I did a traditional wrap and turn short-row heel, the second I figured out the Sherman Heel. I wasn’t completely happy with either one: they look fine, but are fussy and complicated to work. This time I had just seen the video for Cat’s Sweet Tomato Heels posted on youtube, and decided it looked a whole lot simpler than either one, and the color changes of this pattern are placed at just the points where the Sweet Tomato Heel begins and ends. It worked really very well… no holes where the heels join to the sock, no fussy wrap and turns, no having to count a different number very carefully every row. It’s easy to figure out what you need to do next after watching the video, and totally memorizable for future use. Thanks, Cat, for a simple and elegant solution!

viewed 141 times | helped 2 people
October 2011
October 2011
About this pattern
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  • Project created: October 6, 2011
  • Updated: October 13, 2011