Circular Rag Rug
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Circular Rag Rug

Project info
Hooks & yarn
15.0 mm (P/Q)

Material used: 100% Cotton jersey sheets cut into 2-2 1/2” strips, stretched and washed many times.

I am unsure what size crochet needle size it has no markings on it, but compared to size N/P its double the size and made of plastic not metal.

I started this project to keep me from chewing my nails,(suggested ‘keep your hands busy and you can’t chew on your nails.’) So, I didn’t keep track of the method or pattern, I “winged it” really.

I started with a visual of a clock face and chained 6 and linked to form ring, and double crochet in all 6 chains. The rest is foggy, I could sit and stare at it the next time I’m sitting on the throne and come up with more of the method if someone really needed the recipe.

I mixed smaller strips of white and blue in the beginning and really liked the look, but wanted to mix it up a bit, but the thickness of the rug overall is inconsistent. But who really cares, it’s just a rug, right?

Needless to say, I did, and re-did the rug many times to get to a :-/ happiness with project rating. I think I just became bored with it and just wanted it done, so…well yeah, that’s about it.

viewed 6 times
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About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: July 23, 2013
  • Updated: July 23, 2013