Barbie - gonna lunga mod. 415
June 2018
September 25, 2018

Barbie - gonna lunga mod. 415

Project info
#0415 Grey Top & Black Skirt by
Doll ClothesFashion doll
Needles & yarn
US 0 - 2.0 mm
US 4/0 - 1.25 mm
Avanzi (Scrap yarn)
in stash

I ran out of blue yarn and had to knit waistband with another strand of the same lavender yarn. Despite the finer needles ribs still don’t work properly: this yarn has no elasticity (unknown fiber, probably some kind of synthetic stuff).

I like how marbled yarn shows the different texture between garter and stockinette stitch.

I will probably never knit the matching top.

Ho finito il filo blu e ho dovuto fare la cintura con un altro capo di filo lilla. Nonostante i ferri più fini le coste non vanno bene: ‘sto filo non ha elasticità (fibra sconosciuta, probabilmente un qualche tipo di sintetico).

Mi piace il modo in cui col filo mélange si vede la differenza tra legaccio e maglia rasata.

Probabilmente non farò mai il top abbinato.

viewed 5 times
June 2018
September 25, 2018
About this pattern
4 projects, in 12 queues
D-chan's overall rating
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D-chan's difficulty rating
  • Project created: September 26, 2018
  • Updated: September 26, 2018