Sloth Chambers2Fuentes Square blanket
September 12, 2020
November 29, 2020

Sloth Chambers2Fuentes Square blanket

Project info
Sloth C2C Square by Kinga Erdem
Afghan block
Hooks & yarn
6.0 mm (J)


Almost made it halfway through when I realized something was wrong. Not sure if I missed something and the count was off, or if my tension was skewed by carrying colors across the back. Probably the latter. Either way, I frogged and am starting over. My first attempt was made with a 5.5mm I hook, but I’m sizing up to a 6mm I hook in hopes of achieving a looser drape. I have plans to put more around the square to make it a good blanket size.


Finished the square! Still something a little bit off with the gauge. Not sure how well I like doing C2C. The process is fine, but the result is… strange. I want to try blocking to even things out, but this isn’t really the kind of project where blocking is something I’d typically do. And I’m not sure my acrylic yarn will adjust much.


I’m nervously forgoing blocking in hopes that adding more rows to achieve blanket size will sort of even things out as I go. crossed_fingers The finished c2c square resulted in a throw pillow size, but I’m adding rows of (sc, ch2) and (3dc in each ch sp) with increases in the corners until I reach a size I’m happy with. Primarily green for now, but I may put in an accent stripe or two later.


Today is Amber’s wedding day, but the blanket isn’t done. woman-shrugging I backed up to the sloth square and started the extension over. Now it’s lying flat and I have used up all my green yarn, but I need a little more to achieve the size I want. I’m at the beach today, and the two local craft stores don’t have the color I need, so it’s going into hibernation until I can find more.


Got one more skein. Picked back up, and made the square as large as I wanted. A total of 11 dc rounds.


Started extending the top and bottom to make the blanket rectangular.

Started a row on ws with 2sc in the corner, {2ch, sc between dc clusters}, to the end, and one more sc in the corner.

Then, turn and start with a standing chainless dc, and 3dc in the ch loops across to the end, and one last dc.

Each row should have an extra sc / dc at the beginning and end. I’m doing 5 dc rows on the top and bottom.


Went around the green with the lightest brown. I thought I had enough green left for one row of the sc, 2ch but ran out about 5 inches from the end, so I decided to forgo the green trim and leave just brown around the outside.

I’m not feeling this is my best work, unfortunately, but hopefully Amber will still like it.

viewed 12 times
September 12, 2020
November 29, 2020
About this pattern
10 projects, in 103 queues
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  • Project created: September 12, 2020
  • Updated: November 29, 2020
  • Progress updates: 4 updates