Color Practice
January 17, 2009
October 4, 2009

Color Practice

Project info
Light and Easy Sweater by Ann Bourgeois
Women's Medium
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
Philosopher's Wool 2-Ply
11 skeins
Philosopher's Wool in Inverhuron, Ontario

9/13/2013 new bottom made, ready to graft

9/9/2013 bottom band amputation successful

1/12/2013 needs to be longer
1/31 with smaller needle: for sleeve CO 40, inc to 50 after rib
with larger needle and using chart: inc 2 sts every 4 rows up to 70 sts; inc 2 sts every 6 rows up to 96 sts

btw, my gauge is not quite the pattern gauge, more like 20 sts per 4”

1/17 The smallest size in the pattern is 46”! So I will be modifying the pattern to something wearable, like 40”.

There are 11 colors and I am not adding them all here. There are at least 4 blues, some greens, some purples, black, and some between blue and green.

Buttons came with the kit!

viewed 162 times
January 17, 2009
October 4, 2009
About this pattern
12 projects, in 5 queues
Hilary0's overall rating
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Hilary0's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Philosopher's Wool
100% Wool
200 yards / 113 grams

1036 projects

stashed 1202 times

Hilary0's star rating
  • Originally queued: November 13, 2008
  • Project created: January 17, 2009
  • Updated: September 15, 2013