Night Blossom
April 13, 2014
April 29, 2014

Night Blossom

Project info
NightBlossoms by Rosemary (Romi) Hill
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 3 - 3.25 mm
Cupcake Fiber Company Sock Batts - Merino/Nylon
696.3 yards (636.7 meters), 133 grams

As with most Romi knits I’m knitting with the written.

Markers Placement and Moves

I used 4 distinct sets of markers.
I started by marking the 4 stitches at the edges. They are only really important on the purl rows, but they tell me when to stop purling.

Chart B row 9 each repeat takes a stitch from the following section.

Chart C row 5 each repeat takes a stitch from the following section for the sk2p.

Chart D I added added 4 markers to mark the the 3 repeats in the center of the row.

Chart D odd rows 13 - 25 each repeat takes a stitch from the following section for the cdd.

Chart E odd rows 9 - 13 each repeat takes a stitch from the following section for the cdd.

Chart F I added markers for the little repeats inside the big repeats with the last of these different from in each larger repeat so I knew when I got to the last one in each and the knitting changed. The little repeat number changed somewhere in this chart, and You will need to add markers on both ends of the little repeat section when that happens.

Chart F odd rows 1 - 7, and 19 - 23 the first section, and each of the 3 large repeats takes a stitch from the following section for the cdd.

Chart G odd rows 1 - 7, the first section, and each of the 3 large repeats takes a stitch from the following section for the cdd.

Chart I Rows 9 and 13 the first section, and each of the 3 large repeats takes a stitch from the following section for the sk2p.

Other notes

Watch the number of repeats at the edges. They change between 2 and 3 throughout the first few charts. After a while they settle down to mostly 3 repeats, except for Row 5 of Charts F and G, and Row 15 of Chart I were it reverts to 2 repeats.

The twist3inc is the same as the increase from Blackjack. I didn’t use a cable needle for them. I just knit the third stitch on the needle from behind, YO, knit the second stitch from behind, YO, knit the first stitch as normal, pull all 3 knitted stitches off the needle and continue on.

If you’ve knit Celaeno you did a 3/7 sts. In this one we have a 3/9 sts it’s done the same way, you just want to end up with 9 stitches instead of 7.

Chart E row 9 watch the decreases on the edges of the “leaves”, they change slightly on this row, and I kept missing the third cdd of the repeat.
This happens on Chart F row 19 too.

I used a crochet hook for the BO.

Yarn Usage

Started with 178 g
172 g left after Chart C
151 g left after Chart E
132 g left after Chart F1
100 g left after Chart F2
86 g left after Chart G
78 g left after Chart H
49 g left after Chart I
46 g left after Chart BO

total shawl used 133 g

I could have probably used a larger needle and still liked the fabric, because my yarn doesn’t have the silk that the club yarn does and it bounces back. I hope it holds it’s block well.

Dimensions - About a 26 inch drop, and 66 ish inch wingspan.

The color is really hard to capture!

viewed 263 times | helped 5 people
April 13, 2014
April 29, 2014
About this pattern
139 projects, in 480 queues
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About this yarn
by Cupcake Fiber Company
88% Merino, 12% Nylon
170 grams

13 projects

stashed 34 times

KristinaS's star rating
  • Project created: April 27, 2014
  • Finished: May 1, 2014
  • Updated: November 6, 2014
  • Progress updates: 3 updates