Adventure Time - Gunter the Penguin
August 4, 2015
August 4, 2015

Adventure Time - Gunter the Penguin

Project info
Hooks & yarn
4.0 mm (G)
Various 8ply Acrylic Yarns

I searched ‘Adventure Time’ graphs on Google and Pinterest for ideas, then made up my own graphs to work with. They are 16x16 square graphs. I worked 2 rows of (US) double crochet per 1 row of squares on the graph to get it close to square. Half-double crochet would also be suitable to use for these graphs.
My squares turned out ever so slightly rectangle (at 31cm x 33cm approx. 12” x 13”- had I worked in hdc, they would have been square)….but that’s fine for what I’m using them for.

Solid granny squares could also be used as an alternative here - 1 square on the graph = 1 granny square. You can make them whatever size that you like.

Graphs may also be worked in C2C (corner-to-corner) method. Here are two tutorials to help with C2C and how to colour change;

I started each row with a chainless starting dc - it produces a more even edge, but you can also begin your rows with the standard ch3 if you wish.
Here’s a link to a Moogly ‘how-to’;
If you need help with how to colour change, go to YouTube and look up ‘Intarsia Crochet’ tutorials…there are a few to choose from there.

I have added pics of the charts that I made - they include a little group of colours at the bottom of the pic. Use those to help you match your yarn choices.

When working the odd numbered rows (1, 3, 5, etc)…the side facing you will be the right side of your work. Looking at the graph, your rows will be worked odd numbered rows from the R-L and the even rows copy what you did in the previous row - ie: Work Row 1, Row 2 will be the same as Row 1 but the order will be reversed. A tip - each stitch worked in the even rows will be the same as the stitch below it in the previous odd numbered row.


Light Blue

Using your black, chain 51.
Row 1: Work 1dc in 4th ch from hook, then work another 4black, 24white, 10grey, 9black. (48dc’s + 3 starting ch = 49dc’s).
Row 2: Work 9black, 10grey, 24white, 6black.
Row 3: Work 6black, 21white, 4grey, 9black, 3grey, 6black.
Row 4: Work 6black, 3grey, 9black, 4 grey, 21white, 6black.
Row 5: Work 6black, 21white, 4grey, 18black.
Row 6: Work 18black, 4grey, 21white, 6black.
Row 7: Work 6black, 24white, 7grey, 12black.
Row 8: Work 12black, 7grey, 24white, 6black.
Row 9: Work 6black, 30white, 4grey, 9black.
Row 10: Work 9black, 4grey, 30white, 6black.
Row 11: Work 21yellow, 15white, 3black, 4grey, 6black.
Row 12: Work 6black, 4grey, 3black, 15white 21yellow.
Row 13: Work 3black, 21yellow, 12white, 13black.
Row 14: Work 13black, 12white, 21yellow, 3black.
Row 15: Work 12black, 9yellow, 9black, 6white, 13black.
Row 16: Work 13black, 6white, 9black, 9yellow, 12black.
Row 17: Work 3black, 6white, 6black, 3white, 3black, 6white, 6black, 3 white, 13black.
Row 18: Work 13black, 3white, 6black, 6white, 3black, 3white, 6black, 6white, 3black.
Row 19: Work 3black, 6white, 6black, 3white, 3black, 6white, 6black, 3 white, 13black.
Row 20: Work 13black, 3white, 6black, 6white, 3black, 3white, 6black, 6white, 3black.
Row 21: Work 12black, 9white, 9black, 3white, 16black.
Row 22: Work 16black, 3white, 9black, 9white, 12black.
Row 23: Work 9black, 24white, 16black.
Row 24: Work 16black, 24white, 9black.
Row 25: Work 12black, 18white, 19black.
Row 26: Work 19black, 18white, 12black.
Rows 27 & 28: Work 49black.
Rows 29 & 30: Work 4light blue, 41 black, 4light blue.
Rows 31 & 32: Work 7light blue, 35black, 7light blue.
Finish off, sew in ends.

viewed 81 times
August 4, 2015
August 4, 2015
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: August 3, 2015
  • Finished: August 4, 2015
  • Updated: August 9, 2015
  • Progress updates: 4 updates