Rainbow Love Heart
November 17, 2016
November 17, 2016

Rainbow Love Heart

Project info
PRIDE 2016
Hooks & yarn
4.5 mm
  • This heart is worked starting from near the top heading down toward the bottom point, then turned around and worked into the under-side of your starting chain, working from there to the top of the heart.

  • To finish off the outer edge of your heart, we will be working a round of single crochet – be sure to leave an end of yarn of each colour long enough to work 4sc along the outer edge of each colour section at the end.

US Crochet Terms used.
‘inc’: 2 single crochet worked into the same stitch.
‘dec’: work 2 single crochet together.
‘dec at each end of row’: work first tow stitches together, single crochet to the last two stitches, then work the last two single crochet together.
‘inc at each end of row’: work two single crochet into the first stich, single crochet to the last stitch, work two single crochet into the last stitch.

Starting with yellow:
Ch 26, working into the back ridge of your starting chain, 1sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc to end, ch1, turn. (25)
Row 2: sc to end, ch1, turn.
Row 3: dec at each end of row, ch1, turn. (23)
Row 4: dec at each end of row, change to green - ch1, turn. (21)
Row 5: dec at each end of row, ch1, turn. (19)
Row 6: sc to end, ch1, turn. (19)
Row 7: dec at each end of row, ch1, turn. (17)
Row 8: dec at each end of row, change to blue - ch1, turn. (15)
Row 9: dec at each end of row, ch1, turn. (13)
Row 10: sc to end, ch1, turn. (13)
Row 11: dec at each end of row, ch1, turn. (11)
Row 12: sc to end, change to purple - ch1, turn. (11)
Row 13: dec at each end of row, ch1, turn. (9)
Row 14: dec at each end of row, ch1, turn. (7)
Row 15: dec at each end of row, ch1, turn. (5)
Row 16: sc to end, ch1, turn. (5)
Row 17: dec at each end of row, ch1, turn. (3)
Row 18: sc 3 together, ch1, finish off.

Turn heart so that your starting chain is now the row that you are working on. Because we started in the back ridge of the starting chain, you now have what looks like a normal row to carry on with!
So, working with orange,
Row 19: inc at each end of row, ch1 turn. (27)
Row 20: sc to end, ch1, turn. (27)
Now we start one ‘bump’….
Row 21: 13sc, ch1 turn. (13)
Row 22: dec, sc to end, change to red - ch1, turn. (12)
Row 23: 10sc, dec, ch1, turn. (11)
Row 24: dec at each end of row, ch1, turn. (9)
Row 25: dec, 7sc, turn without working a ch. (8)
Row 26: skip the first st, dec over the 2nd and 3rd sts, 3sc, dec, ch1, turn. (5)
Row 27: work 3sc together, then work another 3sc together, ch 1, finish off.
“But I only have 5sc to work with” I hear you say……Work the first 3sctog, then pull up a loop in the 3rd st (which you just used – consider it recycling!), 4th and 5th sts and work your 3sc together.

For the other ‘bump’ join yarn at the other end of yellow row and repeat Rows 21-27.

Optional Sc around the outer edge of the heart if you wish to tidy up the edges.

viewed 15 times
November 17, 2016
November 17, 2016
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: November 17, 2016
  • Finished: November 17, 2016
  • Updated: November 20, 2016