Seamore WysKraken
February 26, 2022
March 9, 2022

Seamore WysKraken

Project info
Twisted Kraken hat by Natalie Allen
One Size
Hooks & yarn
4.0 mm (G)
5.5 mm (I)
6.5 mm (K)
Red Heart Super Saver (Solids)
Red Heart Super Saver (Solids)

The grandson who is turning 10, has always been a hockey fan, and requested a Seattle Kraken hat! So of course this Grandma obliged!

Adapted eye pattern so glass eye is recessed (attached on top of magic circle) instead of on side of eye as in pattern:

-Followed pattern exactly for eyeball, but then flattened it. Then attached yarn into a stitch 1 row in from the edge, and hdc’d around--following the eye pattern again (23 stitches around). Did 4 rows of hdc’s, then the sc decrease row (15 stitches around). Did one more decrease row to get down to 8 stitches remaining. Stuffed the eye at this point, then ran through last row to close hole. This basically creates a bell shaped piece. Glue, sew or use a safety eye (insert into center of magic circle before decreasing to last 8 stitches). Stitched eyelid exactly as written in pattern.

Used the 45 row tentacles all around (he requested shorter tentacles).

This pattern was actually pretty quick to make. It just took me a while because I could only work on it after work (when I’m tired…so I had a few issues with understanding some parts of the pattern). Now that I’ve made it once, it will go much quicker next time!

viewed 45 times
February 26, 2022
March 9, 2022
About this pattern
660 projects, in 946 queues
Namma119's overall rating
Namma119's clarity rating
Namma119's difficulty rating
Namma119's adjectives for this pattern
  1. Adventerous
  2. Pretty quick
  3. Fun!
About this yarn
by Red Heart
100% Acrylic
364 yards / 198 grams

314059 projects

stashed 106107 times

Namma119's star rating
  • Project created: February 26, 2022
  • Finished: March 10, 2022
  • Updated: March 13, 2022