162-26 Lady Ascot
November 8, 2023
February 2, 2024

162-26 Lady Ascot

Project info
162-26 Lady Ascot by DROPS design
Hooks & yarn
3.5 mm (E)
22 stitches and 17 rows = 4 inches
1,590 yards
Scheepjes Whirl
1 skein = 1093.6 yards (1000.0 meters), 225 grams
Menita Espoo in Espoo, Southern Finland
November 8, 2023
Scheepjes Whirlette
1 skein = 496.5 yards (454.0 meters), 100 grams
Menita Espoo in Espoo, Southern Finland
November 8, 2023

Starting 08.11.2023, after falling in love with the Swirl yarn and searching for a pattern for it.

Plan to start with largest size and see how my bust and shoulders fit, then taper it down after the bust. Boldly once again without a proper swatch first ‘cause I’m an impatient fool.

Starting with Foundation Double Crochet, with Avocado Swirlette. Once it runs out switching to Key Lime Pi Swirl, hoping for dark green bust and yellow hem, we’ll see!

15.11.2023 end of Swirlette

Still working the yoke, just about done with increases but the piece is approx 17cm instead of 23. I knew I crochet tight but was hoping making largest size would compensate, not enough though. I’m pleased with how it’s coming out, l think I’ll just need to keep going till I reach the desired size. Now I just have to make a few decisions over how to go about it;

  • Do I continue with Swirl or buy another Swirlette? My plan was to have the whole bust be Avocado color but also don’t wanna go to the yarn shop and do want to switch it up :D I’ll prolly continue with my f around find out tactic and do Swirl, see how it works out in the end with the colors.
  • Do I just do more rounds until the piece is the instructions 23cm or do I continue doing increases around the stitch markers. I don’t understand how clothes work. Have to take some measurements and consult a friend..

5.12.2023 Frog and redo

So I went ahead and continued further, past next steps, starting to form sleeves and body past bust.. And it was too big. Didn’t like it. After quite some hesitation I decided to bite the bulled, frogged most of it, did some recounting and start redoing it.

Currently at 18cm with stitch count: 32+24+24+40+24+25+68+25+24+40+24+24+32=406
Target for xxl was 404 at 22cm. I’m OK with this! I did intend to add a few to bust, we’ll see if it comes back to haunt me. Now Ill just do few more rows without increase and see where we at.

Also took a break to work on a knitting project, needed a break after frogging this to recover.

viewed 2 times
November 8, 2023
February 2, 2024
About this pattern
50 projects, in 182 queues
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About this yarn
by Scheepjes
60% Cotton, 40% Acrylic
1094 yards / 225 grams

19725 projects

stashed 11419 times

Ninoly's star rating
About this yarn
by Scheepjes
60% Cotton, 40% Acrylic
497 yards / 100 grams

4484 projects

stashed 3017 times

Ninoly's star rating
  • Project created: November 8, 2023
  • Updated: April 18, 2024