Parsifal Lace Rims Shawl
April 1, 2014
April 12, 2014

Parsifal Lace Rims Shawl

Project info
Lace Rims Shawl by Lorna Miser
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Ms Gibby
MsGibby on ravelry
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
538 yards = 2.99 skeins
Bijou Spun by Bijou Basin Ranch Lhasa Wilderness
2 yards in stash
2.99 skeins = 538.2 yards (492.1 meters), 167 grams
Yarn Barn of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas
December 28, 2013

Trade value: $95.
sent to MsGibby

Chose this pattern to break up the strong variegation of the yarn. Looking forward to working with yak fiber.

Using 32” cord. Deviated from the pattern at row 72 and instead just continued with the 4 row repeats until I ran out of yarn. I chose to not do the beaded crochet bind-off because it was not turning out the way I’d like it to look so I am doing 6 rows of garter to finish it off and hopefully that will use up my yarn.

Mods modded from sjones19
Row 120: (K15, kfb, K14) 10 times, K1 (311 stitches)
Row 121: Purl
Row 122: K1 (yo, k2tog) across
Row 123: Purl
Row 124: (K16, kfb, K14) 10 times, K1 (321 stitches)
Row 125: Purl
Row 126: K1 (yo, k2tog) across
Row 127: Purl
Row 128: (K16, kfb, K15) 10 times, K1 (331 stitches)
Row 129: Purl
Row 130: K1 (yo, k2tog) across
Row 131: Purl
Row 132: (K17, kfb, K15) 10 times, K1 (341 stitches)
Row 133: Purl
Row 134: K1 (yo, k2tog) across
Row 135: Purl
Bind off: k2tog thru back loop, put stitch back on left needle. This made a nice stretchy bindoff.

6 grams left. The yarn left orange water upon soaking.

Knitting this seemed to take forever.

Finished size: 38” wide by 18” tall at center section
Blocked size: 47” wide by 21” tall at center section

I am very pleased with this shawl. It’s incredibly soft and the variegation hid the 3 balls of yarn joins. You can knit as far as you have yarn. This shawl is perfect because it covers my cold elbows and it’s beautiful in its simplicity. Perfect yarn and pattern.

7/3/14: This will be my go-to shawl and, because of its shape, I don’t have to struggle with figuring out how to wear it. I just use a shawl stick to keep it on.

viewed 198 times | helped 5 people
April 1, 2014
April 12, 2014
About this pattern
58 projects, in 114 queues
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About this yarn
by Bijou Spun by Bijou Basin Ranch
75% Yak, 25% Rayon from Bamboo
250 yards / 76 grams

1059 projects

stashed 1680 times

OrangeSmoothie's star rating
  • Project created: April 1, 2014
  • Finished: April 13, 2014
  • Updated: January 24, 2015
  • Progress updates: 4 updates