Dresden Files Swap
December 1, 2014
January 28, 2015

Dresden Files Swap

Project info
Day of the Dead Skull - Amigurumi Style by Teresa de Roulet
Odd Ducks Dresden Swap
aumanjoi on ravelry
Hooks & yarn
Pisgah Yarn & Dyeing Co. Peaches & Creme Ombres
in stash

Odd Ducks Swap: Dresden Files
My Spoilee: aumanjoi

Her thank you note: http://www.ravelry.com/discuss/the-odd-duck-swaps-of-rave...

Details to be added in February, after my spoilee opens her package. :)

12/10 Planning done! Materials acquisition has already commenced.

~Break for holiday knitting~

12/30: I just finished _Bob the Skull_. I’m really happy with the way it turned out! Spinning for the big project is still in progress.

1/4 Spinning is done and plied. Twist is set. The yarn came out lovely! Now just working out the color for the dying process. (Cold Day in Hell Mitts)

1/6 I got inspired to add _quotes_ to the _game_. Whee! This is going to be fun. :) Ideas all laid now, now to implement them. I do need to reread some of the books though, to get it right. Poor me. :D

1/7 Did my doodle on Monday and _woodburned_ the _mini staff_ today. So cute!

Large handmade: finished spinning / dying. Have pattern. I pick up the other yarn tonight and casting on!
Medium handmade: finished!
Medium semi-handmade: materials purchased, ideas set. Implementation pending.
extra medium handmade: cancelled to time & budget constraints. :( Reboot! (This was originially supposed to be a stitch marker shield bracelet.)
small handmade: done!
small semi-handmade: finito!
Purchased items: two small things left to pick up.
One small thing to be figured out with a cute purchased material (skull beads). Its too cute not to use!

There’s a lot rattling ‘round my noggin. :)

ETA: I decided to use that cute thing for a modified cancelled thing. We’ll see how it goes!

Got that adjusted project done last night and I’m really happy with the way it came out. (Made Bob a ride-along bracelet. Stitch marker style.)

Making progress on the large handmade. I’m on target for getting it done well before the end of the month.

Got most of semi-handmade done. Only three little pieces to decide upon and they are not crucial. I can mail without it if I don’t get inspired for this bit and everything will be just fine.

Lots of stuff has been going on besides this project but I’ve been pushing hard to get this done. I had to adjust one of my planned handmades. I finished the large handmade yesterday and it is still drying after its wash. <3 Only little minor things to add / adjust to the various projects and it’ll be time to mail! I’m so excited yet a little sad, too, as this is coming to an end. This swap has been marvelous fun!

~ ~ Zombie Fluxx: Dead Beat Edition ~ ~
Card Ideas I didn’t use:

Cowl & Kumari

Kemmlar’s Book
Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
Carlos Ramirez

Action Card:
“Give me the book!” Draw two cards.
“Shot to the Head” Carlos Ramirez takes a head shot: Remove one card from play. (Quote is something like this:”I’m beautiful and talented. It’s a tough job but I try to soldier on as best as I can.”

New Rule:
Laciel’s coin
Wild Hunt

viewed 59 times
December 1, 2014
January 28, 2015
About this pattern
9 projects, in 65 queues
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About this yarn
by Pisgah Yarn & Dyeing Co.
100% Cotton
98 yards / 56 grams

31755 projects

stashed 13178 times

RCozyKnits' star rating
  • Project created: December 7, 2014
  • Finished: January 29, 2015
  • Updated: December 7, 2015
  • Progress updates: 9 updates