Shake Yer Teal Feathers
April 26, 2018
June 1, 2018

Shake Yer Teal Feathers

Project info
Pretty with Jeans by Stephanie Lotven
Coat / Jacket
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
20 stitches and 28 rows = 4 inches
Malabrigo Yarn Silky Merino
17.31 skeins = 2596.5 yards (2374.2 meters), 865 grams

Only took me approx 1521 yards to knit this lovely up!!

Saw this in the Free Pattern Testers thread and fell in love with it. After a bit of back and forth, decided to dive in and go for it.

Took a bit of swatching, but finally got proper gauge on a size 5 needle (I am a tight knitter!) in yarn that has been languishing for waaaaaaaaaaaaay too many years waiting for just the right pattern for it!

The designer was great, anywhere I got stuck either she or the other testers were right there to help clarify a point or direction.

I actually finished this jacket a couple days BEFORE the final deadline!! Sadly, it is just too hot and humid right now to wear it, but once the weather turns, I will be!!

I went with a slightly fuller sleeve and did not do decreases or ribbing for the cuff, instead I did a few rounds of garter stitch and used an I-cord bind off.

I did not do the short row neck, or buttonholes, instead I opted to do extra rows of garter stitch to get to about 2 inches before binding off in I-cord.

viewed 529 times | helped 3 people
April 26, 2018
June 1, 2018
About this pattern
66 projects, in 324 queues
RedDaLeftyKnitter's overall rating
RedDaLeftyKnitter's clarity rating
RedDaLeftyKnitter's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Malabrigo Yarn
51% Silk, 49% Merino
150 yards / 50 grams

28293 projects

stashed 25319 times

RedDaLeftyKnitter's star rating
RedDaLeftyKnitter's adjectives for this yarn
  1. Soft
  2. Splitty
  3. Amazing
  • Project created: May 29, 2018
  • Finished: June 1, 2018
  • Updated: June 5, 2018