Stay-on baby booties
December 22, 2021
December 23, 2021

Stay-on baby booties

Project info
Stay-on baby booties by Knitgirl's Mother
Feet / LegsBooties
Needles & yarn
US 1 - 2.25 mm
Premier Yarns Serenity Sock Prints
0.34 skeins = 78.2 yards (71.5 meters), 17 grams


By pure luck this self striping soft yarn knit up with the pink showing on top of the foot! I just had to find the same starting point in the yarn to knit a matching 2nd bootie.

The original pattern had errors and many people noted the mistakes and wrote out the right numbers. I copied @Twiglet-’s project page and pasted it below. I made a few notes of my own.


Cast on 34 (36) sts.
Knit garter stitch until 8cm (9cm) long or 26 ridges (29 ridges).

Top of Foot:
(RS) Knit 22 (23) sts, turn, knit 10 sts, turn, knit 10 sts.
Put 12 (13) sts on each side onto holders. Keep knitting over 10 sts in middle until work is 12.5cm (14.5cm) long or 14 (16) foot ridges.
MY NOTES: At the end, end w the RS, so when you pick up stitches in the next section the RS is facing you.

Sides of Foot:
(RS) Pick up and knit 12 (15) sts down left side of foot then knit 12 (13) sts from left side holder. MY NOTES: Pick up every bump, even if it’s more than listed. Then reduce the stitches down to the required number on the following row. This will alleviate gaps.
Turn, knit back along row to reach other side of foot section.
Pick up and knit 12 (15) sts down that side of foot then knit 12 (13) sts from remaining holder. It is easier to do this side on separate needle as going around corner gets quite tight. Can transfer everything onto one needle as it gets easier.
Knit until you have 12 rows (6 ridges) on left side (7 ridges on right side).

Sole of Foot:
(RS) Knit 33 (37) sts, k2tog, turn.
Knit 9 sts, k2tog, turn. Repeat until 4 sts left on each side. Knit last 4 sts to end of row.

MY NOTES: Cast off loosely (I used the Simple Stretchy BO - YouTube) and leave a tail about 6x the length of the seam. Turn inside out and sew the heel stitches first. See my photo example for folding the heel to sew (the last pic). Turn right side out and garter mattress stitch, with the RS facing you, up the back of leg up to the top of the cuff. Garter Mattress: Use the farthest edge stitch on each side and alternate frown and smile stitches, keeping all frowns on one side and all smiles on the other. Weave in ends on the RS, because that will be covered by the folded down cuff.

viewed 225 times | helped 5 people
December 22, 2021
December 23, 2021
About this pattern
1777 projects, in 1511 queues
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About this yarn
by Premier Yarns
Light Fingering
50% Merino, 25% Nylon, 25% Rayon from Bamboo
230 yards / 50 grams

24045 projects

stashed 16697 times

SanDiegoJane's star rating
SanDiegoJane's adjectives for this yarn
  1. Accessible
  2. Affordable
  3. Lovely
  • Project created: December 23, 2021
  • Finished: December 24, 2021
  • Updated: April 24, 2022
  • Progress updates: 3 updates