Cobalt Blue Waves
May 13, 2022
August 21, 2022

Cobalt Blue Waves

Project info
Little Wave by Gudrun Johnston
Second size
Needles & yarn
US 7 - 4.5 mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
Berroco Ultra Alpaca
5 skeins = 1095.0 yards (1001.3 meters), 500 grams
Hudson Valley Sheep and Wool Co. in Red Hook, New York

I was drawn to the color and since these were final sales before the LYS closed, I bought enough yarn for a cardigan.
I usually buy yarn for a specific project/ pattern only, but for this one went the other way around.
I was going to design my own cardigan similar to the cardigan I had designed in the rose colored yarn last year: “A little bit of this, a little bit of that and a whole lot of cozy”, but came across this pattern and like it well enough to be lazy and follow a written pattern laughing

May 31: I finished the body up to the armholes and set it aside by simply taking the needles off the cable and leaving the piece on the cable secured by stoppers.

June 1: Started on the sleeves. I am working these ( as by my usual MO ) two at a time. Starting this was a bit more fiddly than for a top down sweater as I had to cast on for two sleeves rather than picking up stitches, but after a couple of rows I know it’s not twisted and I feel like I am off to a good start. I did have to look up the German Twisted Cast on again and find this video by Suzanne Bryan ( click on the link)by far the easiest one to follow; at least for me. There are certain key words she uses which I can relate to and once I had a refresher it’s easy enough. Since you are alternating between the German Twisted cast on and the long tail cast on, I simply count out loud as I am casting on, making the even number cast on stitches the German twisted and the odd numbers the long tail. That helped me not to get confused.
I will have to tweak the number of rows at the beginning of the sleeves, because I prefer a cuff which is not folded.
I decided not to do the elbow patches even though I think they are kind of cute, but I want a less rustic look for this. I can always knit up separate patches and sew them on if I change my mind.
I am knitting the sleeves free-form, following the measurements of any other sweater up to the length to the armpit.
June 2022: Getting a little slowed down due to pain in my right shoulder and arm. Frustrating, but I’ll get there eventually.
June 20, 2022: Speaking of frustrating…
Here is my post from my Facebook Page
Does undoing , aka tinking and re-doing count as progress?
After joining the sleeves, I had done 11 rows when I noticed that I was off by two sts in the arm decreases. It had happened in the final CDD in row five of the pattern, so I painstakingly took out five rows and re-knitted two so far. At least I am back on track and the stitches line up perfectly sweat_smile
I am actually happy that I noticed and corrected it.
How do you feel about finding mistakes in your knitting?
Feel free to share in the comments.
Working on the Little Wave cardigan by Gudrun Johnston in Berroco Ultra Alpaca, color Cobalt Mix.”

June 26: I like the progress I am making on the saddle shoulders. This is the first time that I work a sweater/ cardigan this way. I like the look and how it all comes together. I am now at the point when I join the saddle shoulders.

July 2: Started on the shawl collar and button band. ( wish I had done the saddle shoulders on the smaller needle, but I think once blocked and when wearing, it will look fine. For now the shoulders look a bit big).

Button band : in the buttonhole row I marked the center of the buttonholes in the corresponding spots on the other side of the button band to mark the placement of the buttons.
I like how neat the button holes come out working them as explained in this pattern.

Pockets : I am working on the pockets two at a time and do what some other knitters did , pick up 23 sts in the row above the 23 reserved sts and work a 3- needle join in the first row. Had I thought this through more, I would have done a provisional cast on or kfb over 23 sts and then put every other one on waste yarn in front of the knitting.

I am glad I did buy that extra ( sixth) skein, because although I only used less than five , it made it easier to start a new skein for the Shawlcollar and to use the two I had left from the sleeves for the pockets. I am sure I will get an inspiration to knit up something fabulous with the leftover.

July 9: All the knitting is done. What’s left is seaming the sides of the pockets, weaving in yarn ends , blocking and sewing on buttons. It’s a perfect fit, including sleeve length.

July 21: in no hurry to finish during the dog days of summer, but did all the weaving in of yarn ends today in knitting group by the River.

August 17, 18: After a long break, I finally sewed on the buttons and I marked the exact lines with some waste yarn , where to seam the pockets.

August 21: Sewed the final pocket seam this morning. Still can’t believe how long it took me to finish, but I was in no hurry with the weather being so hot right now.

viewed 153 times | helped 1 person
May 13, 2022
August 21, 2022
About this pattern
733 projects, in 2132 queues
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About this yarn
by Berroco
50% Wool, 50% Alpaca
219 yards / 100 grams

55253 projects

stashed 32084 times

Strickliese's star rating
  • Project created: May 12, 2022
  • Finished: August 21, 2022
  • Updated: May 19, 2023
  • Progress updates: 4 updates