November 26, 2015
December 10, 2015


Project info
Pendulum by Amy Miller
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
683 yards = 1.56 skeins
Essential Fiber Silkash Sock
26 yards in stash
0.94 skeins = 411.7 yards (376.5 meters), 94 grams
Essential Fiber
April 19, 2015
Essential Fiber Silkash Sock
166 yards in stash
0.62 skeins = 271.6 yards (248.3 meters), 62 grams
Essential Fiber
April 19, 2015

Name TwistedSticherFGE
House Hufflepuff
Tags F15Pond ClimbEveryMountain SackRace
Yardage 219 yards
Project Page Pendulum

Thanksgiving with family and a lot of time sitting and chatting last week meant I needed something to knit to keep my hands busy but that wouldn’t require a lot of concentration so I could keep up with the conversations going on. This meant time for something new! I had this pairing of skeins sitting in my stash waiting for the right something to come along so opportunity plus a pattern I’d queued ages ago plus the need for miles of delightfully simple garter stitch equaled utter perfection. Much like Hagrid mated two dissimilar creatures to create the Blast Ended Skrewt, I’ve mated two dramatically different skeins of yarn to make one simple yet delightful shawl to be. You’ll note that my breeding experiment hasn’t quite gotten done yet but I can’t say that 220 yards knit in 5 days makes me sad! I hope my partial submission does your prompt justice!

viewed 29 times
November 26, 2015
December 10, 2015
About this pattern
1714 projects, in 3507 queues
TwistedSticherFGE's overall rating
TwistedSticherFGE's clarity rating
TwistedSticherFGE's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Essential Fiber
70% Bluefaced Leicester, 20% Silk, 10% Cashmere goat
438 yards / 100 grams

11 projects

stashed 5 times

TwistedSticherFGE's star rating
  • Project created: November 27, 2015
  • Finished: January 9, 2016
  • Updated: March 27, 2016